Have you ever wondered that despite putting your best efforts, why you are still unable to achieve the desired results from your workout? Read on to find out some of the mistakes that people usually make with tips to fix them.
1. Overtraining
The common misconception about training is that the more you do it, the more results will show. Well, there may be part truth to that statement but it isn’t always the case.
Ever wonder why a particular muscle group you focus on never shows despite putting in all the work? Say your abs, for example, those six-packs never show despite doing hundreds upon hundreds of crunches every single day.
That is because the muscle groups you put your focus on should also be given time to rest and rebuild. This may cause more damage than good thus, making it look worse than it was before you even worked it out.
How to fix:
Those broken fibers must repair themselves in order to become firmer. Have a certain program designed where each muscle group would not conflict with the other.
An upper-lower type of program is a tried and tested method where you alternate the upper and lower muscle groups every training session.
2. Overcompensation
This mistake is very common even to longtime gym-goers and amateur athletes. Those Protein Powders and Workout Boosters do not constitute to immediate and effective results.
Try asking those models you see promoting health and fitness products personally about their intake and their answers might surprise you. Even competitive professionals will be the first to admit that they measure their Protein intake based on their body weight and sometimes have to deal with deficits.
Besides, too much intake of synthesized protein products might even cause kidney problems when not done properly.
How to fix:
Start by relying on natural sources for your protein, carbohydrate, and vitamin intake. Now, if you start seeing results with your natural intake, that is the time you start supplementing.
It is best to seek the advice of professionals first when it comes to supplements. Calculate the right amounts based on body weight and workout progress.
Do not overcompensate for a missed cycle but instead, continue with your normal macro intake as per schedule.
3. Overinflated Ego
An overinflated ego works two ways. One, you rack more than you can lift and two, you don’t listen to those who have proven to know better.
Let us start with the first issue. Ego lifting is very common in a place with too much testosterone raging such as the gym.
An ego lifter wants to show off by racking up plate after plate just to show that they can lift heavy. This is actually a counterproductive process.
What happens is that rather than working a certain body part out, the tendency is to hit a different part thus, depleting the purpose of the entire workout. A worst case scenario is the potential injury that this practice may cause.
Now for the second issue, gym instructors are there to assist you every once in a while, if not hired full time. There are also more experienced folks inside the gym that will give you bits and pieces when correcting your form and technique.
It now becomes an irony when a newbie who just relied on Google search or a vague YouTube view starts teaching gym-goers around. What makes it worse is when they refuse to be corrected by a qualified individual.
How to fix:
LISTEN! That is the very important thing an overinflated ego has to do. You need not follow if you don’t feel like doing so but at least give the advice a try.
If what you spent a whole lot of time doing isn’t producing results, don’t you think its time to test what you’ve been told? Sometimes the best workout advice comes from unlikely places such as that fat guy who’s got his form right or that skinny guy who happens to have hired the services of a trainer in the past.
Besides, that ego might cost you the ability to work out if you do not do something about it.
I hope you will find these tips useful in achieving your workout goals.
And don’t forget to share your ideas and opinions, in the comments section.