It’s something empowering to see that more women are improving themselves through working out. Apart from being aware of health risks that we are vulnerable to it, benefits coming from regular workouts are also what drives us to stay committed to our fitness goals. But do you realize that you might make a number of workout mistakes that cause your progress to stall? Read on to find out more. It’s a common issue you know.
Choosing the wrong workout
Basically, when we decide to get in shape, we usually go for activities and workout routines that are currently in trend or shared by others on social media, not realizing that these workouts are suitable for your fitness levels, body type, and goals. Choosing the right workout plan according to your current state and goals requires a thorough research and understanding to fit into your daily activities (and even your current budget). Plus, the program should cover the whole aspect of your body and include both cardio and strength training type of workouts.
Being impatient
Some of us are impatient and want to get the nitty-gritty of it but seriously, a thorough warm-up is important as well to prepare your mind and body before the main part. Not to mention for your safety as you’re likely to injure yourself (or at least causes you hours of cramps) without a thorough warm-up.
Being inconsistent
While we’re at it, being impatient that results in not committed and consistent also reduces your effort to nothing. Your body needs time to show the results and it can be as early as a week or as long as a month so don’t worry. As long as the program is suitable for you. You’ll be fine.
Ignoring your body cues
This should come as a warning sign: it’s essential that you hear your body cues if you can get through a workout routine. If you notice your heart beats dangerously fast or other unexpected symptoms, it’s best to stop altogether and seek help before continuing.
Incorrect posture
When working out, your body needs to be in the correct posture to ensure the whole system works seamlessly and preventing you from injuries. A good form of crunch is better than five improper forms of crunch. When in doubt, emulate as best as possible from workout videos or better yet, seek guidance from a trainer to show you the right way that you can do at home.
Focussing on just one body part
Most of us are guilty of it, but ladies working out doesn’t mean you have to focus on the abs day in day out when other parts of your body need equal attention. Plus, working out on other parts (that makes up as a ‘total body workout’), will produce results faster, even if your initial target is flat abs.
Doing the same workout
Keep in mind that when it comes to fitness, you are increasing your body’s capacity bit by bit, and that means avoiding plateaus like a plague. Doing the same workout for the last 12 months will not give you the best results as opposed to doing it in the early months. Keep on regularly mixing and switching workouts, while adhering to your fitness goals.
These are some of the pointers that you should keep in mind while trying to achieve your workout goals. We hope that you will also find them useful.
And don’t forget to share your ideas, tips and experiences in the comments section.