Summer Care for Newborn Baby

Summer Care for Newborn Babies

Summer mean lots of care for a newborn especially if its his first summers. Being a mother of 9 month old baby, has definitely imparted a lot of prudence to deal with various summer related issues for the newborn. These days are to be more concerned about your baby’s safety in the heat. Skin rashes, dehydration, his dress-up and diet are some of the common concerns of the new moms.

To make sure your newborn baby stays cool and safe during the long and hot days of summer, check out some of the useful tips below.

Pick the Right Clothes

We Indian moms are mostly concerned about the complexion of our adorable babies and for it we tend to overdress the baby to avoid the sun exposure. But overdressing a little baby may cause an heat rash. On the other hand if we tend to expose his delicate skin to heat then he could get a painful sunburn or heatstroke.

To make sure that your baby is dressed up comfortable generally opt for loose-fitting cotton clothes, which absorbs sweat and feels soft on the skin. Usually, I choose light-colored clothes as they tend to absorb less heat. Never forget to carry a cotton cap, hand towel and comfortable shoes for the infants. Booties and sandals go well in this season.

Fresh air and Ventilation

The infants can become overheated more quickly than an adult thus never leave an infant in a poorly ventilated room or a car. The kids room should always be properly ventilated, although direct sun rays during the noon should be always avoided.


This is definitely a favorite question of moms of all ages. Irrespective of the season, this worry, haunts mothers like anything. Having experienced it, I would suggest that we should go with kids instinct. Just make sure that the baby is properly hydrated and eats something in a span of 3 to 4 hrs. If he doesn’t wants to eat then never try hard on this. Just keep trying with different varieties like juicy and watery fruits, smoothies, khichdi, porridge and many more. And yes, mango indulgence is a must in this season. So, moms don’t forget to give you kid his first date with the king of fruits.

Outdoor Care

When outside with your little one, always monitor for signs of heat exhaustion. If he’s irritable or very lethargic then he should be given immediate medical attention. When going out always opt evening hours so he sun exposure is reduced. Always look for a protected place such as under a tree or umbrella. You can also try to keep the baby cool by wiping him with a wet cloth occasionally.

Skin Care

If the child gets heat rash wash the area with cold water or can apply ice. Calamine lotions and medicated powder do well in the affected areas. Keeping baby in a cool, well-ventilated room will help relieve symptoms.

First season of your little bundle of joy is a time to be cherished for whole life. So moms, have fun with little care and enjoy summers with your little ones.

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